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Фразовые глаголы. - Изд. 8-е. (Гурикова)Купить книгу, доставка почтой, скачать бесплатно, читать онлайн, низкие цены со скидкой, ISBN 978-5-222-34220-6

Фразовые глаголы. - Изд. 8-е
Название книги Фразовые глаголы. - Изд. 8-е
Автор Гурикова
Год публикации 2021
Издательство Феникс
Раздел каталога Языкознание (ID = 180)
Серия книги Лингвотренажер English
ISBN 978-5-222-34220-6
EAN13 9785222342206
Артикул 978-5-222-34220-6
Количество страниц 61
Тип переплета мяг.цел.*
Формат 70*100/16
Вес, г 86

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Аннотация к книге "Фразовые глаголы. - Изд. 8-е"
автор Гурикова

В данном пособии представлены некоторые самые употребительные фразовые глаголы английского языка. Фразовые глаголы широко встречаются как в разговорной, так и в письменной речи, в статьях, блогах, форумах. Однако их довольно сложно использовать в речи, потому что фразовые глаголы легко перепутать и трудно запомнить. Их практически всегда можно заменить другим, не фразовым глаголом. Поэтому иностранца, говорящего на языке, часто выдаёт непонимание фразовых глаголов и отказ от их употребления в речи. Данное пособие создано с целью облегчить освоение фразовых глаголов учащимися и обогатить их словарных запас. Каждый урок содержит глоссарий, оформленный в виде таблиц с переводом и примерами с целью облегчения восприятия информации изучающими язык. Упражнения направлены на закрепление полученных знаний и формирование навыков употребления фразовых глаголов. Пособие предназначено для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык самостоятельно, а также может быть использовано в старшей школе,

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(Автор Гурикова)

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Серия «Лингвотренажер English»
Ю.С. Гурикова, В.Е. Дюдяева
Фразовые глаголы
Издание 8-е
Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс» 2021
УДК 811.111 (07)
КТК 8032
Гурикова Ю. С.
Г95 Фразовые глаголы / Ю. С. Гурикова, В.Е. Дюдяева. —Изд. 8-е. — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2021. — 61 с. — (Лингвотренажер English).
ISBN 978-5-222-34220-6
УДК 811.111 (07)
ISBN 978-5-222-34220-6
© Ю.С. Гурикова, В.Е. Дюдяева, текст, 2016
© ООО «Феникс», оформление, 2018
Exercise 1. Соедините фразовые глаголы и их значения.
Exercise 2. Прочитайте историю и переведите её. Обратите внимание на использование фразовых глаголов. Сколько фразовых глаголов вы можете найти в этом тексте?
Marys birthday was in winter. She was always snowed under at work at this period because it was the end of the year and all the documents must be reviewed and arranged. This year Mary was down as always. Her boss was after a new project. He was sure that Mary was cut out to do her job that’s why he gave her more work than to anyone else. Work, work, work. She didn’t even notice that her boyfriend was up to something and all their friends were in on it. She was coming back home after 10 hours working day on her birthday and was dreaming only about her bed. But she saw that the lights in the garden were on and followed there. There was a giant skating rink in the garden and friends with champagne and streamers. Mary was really into skating, so she forgot about her job, had fun all night and didn’t come to the office the following day.
Exercise 3. Придумайте свою историю, используя как можно больше фразовых глаголов со словом be.
Exercise 4. Вставьте предлоги в пропуски.
1. Why do you have this cunning smile on your face? What are you? 2. — Why is your cat jumping? — He isa butterfly.
3.What a sunny day! Are youa picnic? 4. It was dark and
there was no one in the street. The girl started walking faster because it seemed that someone washer. 5.1 don’t want to listen to your
complaints anymore! I amthem! Enough! 6. We are
_ petrol. We can’t go anywhere. 7. Can you tell me everything as it is? I don’t understand what you are. 8. The tablet was _
when I poured some water on it. 9. Please, do not shout at the meeting. Your behaviour is just not. 10. She wasbecause she had lost
her favourite scarf. 11.1 didn’t know that Paul waschess. If I had
known, I would have played a game of chess with him. 12. Everyone
wasit. I was the only one who didn’t know what was going
on. 13. Margaret couldn’t come because she wasbronchitis.
14. We have to change something. Our expenses are 10 percentbut
income is 10 percent down. 15. Ally isattract his attention but
he is totally not interested in her. 16. He isn’t sleeping. He has been since 5 a.m. 17. Look at her manner of speaking, her looks! She is justto be a teacher. 18. Are youa good party? I have
invited some friends! 19. Eve isat work. She didn’t have time
for lunch. I think she needs help. 20. The police area robber.
Exercise 5. Соедините части предложений по смыслу.
1.Let’s go to a night club!
2.The dog is after your barbecue!
3.The pickpocket is onto this girl.
4.1 have been up all night.
5.The teacher noticed strange spot on Angela’s face yesterday.
6.Thank you for the canvas! It’s a wonderful gift!
7.He spoke quite ambiguously.
8.The TV is on.
9.Let’s stop and take a break.
10.He is snowed under at work this month.
I am up for some dancing!
B.He saw that she had a lot of money in the pocket.
C.You know, I am really into painting.
D.I couldn’t understand what he was on about.
E.So he always comes home late.
F.I am out of breath.
G.Today her Mom said she was down with measles.
H.You can watch your cartoons if you want.
I.Watch out or you will be left hungry.
J.Now I feel destroyed.
Exercise 6. Вставьте предлоги по памяти. Не смотрите в текст. После выполнения упражнения вернитесь к упражнению 2 и проверьте себя.
Mary’s birthday was in winter. She was always 1.at work
at this period because it was the end of the year and all the documents must be reviewed and arranged. This year Mary was 2.as
always. Her boss was 3.a new project. He was sure that Mary was
4.to do her job that’s why he gave her more work than to any
one else. Work, work, work. She didn’t even notice that her boyfriend was 5.something and all their friends were 6.it. She
was coming back home after a 10 hours working day on her birthday and was dreaming only about her bed. But she saw that the lights in the garden were 7. and followed there. There was a giant skating rink in the garden and friends with champagne and streamers. Mary was really 8.skating, so she forgot about her job, had fun all night and didn’t
come to the office the following day.
Exercise 7. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Что это вы замышляете? 2. Я завалена работой в этом месяце. 3. Полиция преследует преступника. 4. Пойдем в парк! Я в настроении гулять! 5. Она в депрессии. 6. Этот проект связан с проблемами города. 7. Многие дети слегли с гриппом. 8. У нас закончилась бумага. 9. Что ты имеешь в виду? 10. Твое поведение неприемлемо. 11. Майк увлекается фехтованием. 12. Дети не спят. 13. Я сыт по горло его несправедливостью. 14. Николь создана, чтобы быть менеджером. Она отлично управляет людьми. 15. Мы хотим устроить сюрприз для Алекса. Ты с нами?
Exercise 1. Соедините фразовые глаголы и их значения.
Exercise 2. Прочитайте историю и переведите её. Обратите внимание на использование фразовых глаголов. Сколько фразовых глаголов вы можете найти в этом тексте?
Mr. Ridley was a taxi-driver and when his car broke down, he felt destroyed. He was about to break down in tears when his car wouldn’t start. He broke into his savings to fix his car as he needed it urgently. His daughter’s school was to break up next week and he promised to take her to the seaside for vacations. But the mechanic couldn’t fix the car fast enough. The mechanic said if Mr. Ridley helped him, they could manage to make the impossible possible. So, they broke into work together. The car was fixed on time and Mr. Ridley had an unforgettable time with his little daughter.
Exercise 3. Придумайте свою историю, используя как можно больше фразовых глаголов со словом break.
Exercise 4. Вставьте предлоги в пропуски.
1. Bring along your mobile phone, just in case the car breakson
the highway. 2. Alice ate too much chocolate and brokea rash.
3. They had got married one month before the war broke. 4. Mary
Jane and Peter Parker brokein the middle of the film. 5. The school
breaksin two months. I am looking forward to summer holidays!
6. The firefighters brokethe wall of fire. 7. A dangerous criminal
brokeprison yesterday. 8. He brokefrom the football team
to play for the other city. 9. Breaka piece of bread for me please.
10. They had to breaktheir savings to pay off the fine. 11. The
audience brokeapplause when the performance had finished. 12.
The union called the strike after talks over retirement benefits broke .13. The toy fell down and brokepieces. 14. The burglars broke through the window. 15. This pair of boots took weeks to break . 16. We are assuming that the criminals will breakthe border. 17. Mrs. Jackson heard that they were discussing her son and broke _ to ask what exactly had happened. 18.1 didn’t want to waste this money but I had to break. 19. The university breaksafter the
examination session. 20. The footballer brokethe line and tackled
the man as soon as he had the ball.
Exercise 1.
1. E 2. C 3. H 4. F 5. J 6. D 7. A 8.1 9. G 10. В
Exercise 2.
8: was snowed under, was down, was after, was cut out, was up to, was in on, were on, was into
Exercise 4.
1. up to 2. after/onto 3. up for 4. onto 5. fed up with 6. out of 7. on about 8. on/off 9. on 10. down/cut up 11. into 12. in on 13. down with 14. up 15. out to 16. up 17. cutout 18. up for 19. snowed under 20. onto Exercise 5.
1.A2.13. В 4. J 5. G6. C7.D8.H9.F 10. E
Exercise 6.
1. snowed under 2. down/cut up 3. after 4. cut out 5. up to 6. in on 7. on 8. into
Exercise 7.
1. What are you up to? 2.1 am snowed under at work this month. 3. The police are onto a criminal. 4. Let’s go to the park! I am up for a walk! 5. She is down. 6. This project is to do with urban problems. 7. A lot of children are down with flu. 8. We are out of paper. 9. What are you on about? 10. Your behaviour is not on. 11. Mike is into fencing. 12. The children are up. 13.1 am fed up with his injustice. 14. Nicol is cut out to be a manager. She manages people very well. 15. We want to make a surprise for Alex. Are you in on it?
Exercise 1.
1. F 2. D 3.14. A 5. J 6. E 7. C 8. G 9. В 10. H
Exercise 2.
1. broke down 2. break down 3. broke into 4. break up 5. broke into
Exercise 4.
1. down 2. out in 3. out 4. up 5. up 6. through 7. out of 8. away 9. off 10. into 11. into 12. down 13. into 14. in 15. in 16. for 17. in 18. into 19. up 20. through
Популярное издание
Гурикова Юлия Сергеевна, Вера Евгеньевна Дюдяева
Фразовые глаголы
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