j Эссе по английскому языку: банк аргументов. - Изд. 2-е. Автор Маслов / Купить книгу, доставка почтой, скачать бесплатно, читать онлайн, низкие цены со скидкой, ISBN 978-5-222-32404-2

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Эссе по английскому языку: банк аргументов. - Изд. 2-е. (Маслов)Купить книгу, доставка почтой, скачать бесплатно, читать онлайн, низкие цены со скидкой, ISBN 978-5-222-32404-2

Эссе по английскому языку: банк аргументов. - Изд. 2-е
Название книги Эссе по английскому языку: банк аргументов. - Изд. 2-е
Автор Маслов
Год публикации 2019
Издательство Феникс
Раздел каталога Учебники и учебные пособия по гуманитарным, естественно- научным, общественным дисциплинам (ID = 144)
Серия книги Большая перемена
ISBN 978-5-222-32404-2
EAN13 9785222324042
Артикул O0111267
Количество страниц 198
Тип переплета мяг.*
Формат 84*108/32
Вес, г 152

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автор Маслов

Написание эссе - один из самых сложных этапов Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Единственный способ успешно выполнить это задание состоит в том, чтобы как можно больше потренироваться в написании таких текстов. Главная цель нашего пособия - обеспечить школьникам возможность интенсивной и системной тренировки всех необходимых умений.

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(Автор Маслов)

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Читать онлайн выдержки из книги "Эссе по английскому языку: банк аргументов. - Изд. 2-е" (Автор Маслов)

Серия «Большая перемена»
Ю.В. Маслов, М.Е. Маслова
издание 2-е
Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс» 2019
УДК 373.167.1:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ-9
Маслов Ю. В.
М31 Эссе по английскому языку : банк аргументов / Ю. В. Маслов, М. Е. Маслова. — Изд. 2-е. — Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2019. — 198, [1] с. — (Большая перемена).
ISBN 978-5-222-32404-2
Написание эссе — один из самых сложных этапов Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Единственный способ успешно выполнить это задание состоит в том, чтобы как можно больше потренироваться в написании таких текстов. Главная цель нашего пособия — обеспечить школьникам возможность интенсивной и системной тренировки всех необходимых умений.
Системность является главной отличительной чертой предлагаемого варианта подготовки. Она состоит в следующем. Все действия по написанию эссе разложены на семь основных умений (skills):

создание подробного плана (creating an essay ‘skeleton],

написание вступления (writing an introduction),

выдвижение аргументов «за» (writing paragraph 2),

выдвижение аргументов «против» (writing paragraph 3),

дополнительная аргументация (writing paragraph 4),

написание заключения (writing a conclusion),

редактирование (reviewing your essay).

Развитие умений — длительный процесс, поэтому авторы предлагают развивать умения по уровням. Тренировка каждого отдельного умения организуется на уровнях — различения, понимания, репродукции и переноса. Иными словами, пособие обеспечивает четкую дидактическую систему пошагового развития умений.
Выполняя эти задания, пользователь пособия будет иметь возможность существенно улучшить способность высказывать и аргументировать суждения на английском языке, делать выводы на основе высказанных аргументов. Предлагаемая тематика соответствует государственной программе по английскому языку для средней школы, реализуемой сегодня в Российской Федерации.
В структуре пособия отражено не менее 150 проблемных вопросов (essay statements),что позволяет сохранить необходимый уровень интереса к заданиям до самой последней страницы.
Авторы уверены, что выпускники школ, успешно выполнившие наши задания, будут чувствовать себя очень уверенно на самом сложном этапе единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку.
Comment on the following statement.
Many people say that English is everybody’s language to learn today.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion? Write 200—250 words.
• skill 1 Create a 'skeleton' of your essay
Попробуем быстро заполнить таблицу, которая представляет собой общий план нашего эссе.
There are lots of different opinions about English. In my opinion, it unites people all over the globe.
English is the most widely-spoken language these days
Most information in the world is in English
English is the language of great science and literature
If you know English, you can communicate with the majority of people in the world.
skill 2
Writing Paragraph 1 (the Introduction)
There are lots of different opinions about the role of English today. In my opinion, it unites people all over the globe.
Нет, это не очень хорошо написано. Здесь только заявлено мнение, но не приведено никаких аргументов. Между тем, они уже указаны в подробном плане эссе (TRUE). Перепишем!
There are different opinions about the role and place of English in today’s world. In my opinion, it can help unite people all over the globe. Internet communication is mostly in English. If you travel to other countries, you surely use English. The knowledge of English is important for careers.
Отлично, у нас есть 50 слов! Вступление — первый абзац — закончено. Теперь второй абзац: аргументируем мнение «за».
Skill 3 Writing Paragraph 2 (Arguments for)
Обращаем внимание на аргументы «за» (True). Превращаем их в полные предложения.
You make real and virtual friends
You can travel in any part of the world
We cannot imagine life without the Internet today. The language of the World Wide Web is English. If you know it, it helps you make real and virtual friends.
Tourism is popular today, too. In every country English can help you in any situation.
English gives you career opportunities
Business today is international. In every comer of the planet business partners use English. It can help you make a career in business.
Теперь смотрим, что получилось. Вышло 67 слов, это многовато, но пока оставим, потом вернемся и сократим, если понадобится.
We cannot imagine life without the Internet today. The language of the World Wide Web is English. If you know it, it helps you make real and virtual friends. Tourism is popular today, too. In every country English can help you in any situation. Business today is international. In every comer of the planet business partners use English. It can help you make a career in business.
• Skill 4 Writing Paragraph 3 (Arguments against)
Обращаем внимание на аргументы ‘против’ (Not True). Превращаем их в полные предложения.
English ‘pollutes’ all languages of the world
Teenagers think that it is ‘not cool’ to speak their native language
Some people say that English is a threat to many languages. English words appear in everyday speech instead of native words. It is nothing but pollution of language environment.
Young people prefer to learn English. They don’t think highly of their native language. As a result, they use a language that doesn’t sound or look good.
Other languages deserve as much attention
There are so many languages in the world, and each one is unique. It is better to pay attention to native languages and save them from disappearing.
Перечитаем, что получилось. 83 слови, это много. Скорее всего, надо подсократить.
Some people say that English is a threat to many languages. English words appear in everyday speech instead of native words. It is nothing but pollution of language environment. Young people prefer to learn English. They don’t think highly of their native language. As a result, they use a language that doesn’t sound or look good. There are so many languages in the world, and each one is unique. It is better to pay attention to native languages and save them from disappearing.
Один аргумент придется исключить. Предположим, что это будет третий аргумент. Тогда останется лишь 56 слов, это нормально.
Some people say that English is a threat to many languages. English words appear in everyday speech instead of native words. It is nothing but pollution of language environment. Young people prefer to learn English. They don’t think highly of their native language. As a result, they use a language that doesn’t sound or look good.
• Skill 5 Writing Paragraph 4 (Support arguments)
Обращаем внимание на дополнительные аргументы «за» (Anyway). Превращаем их в полные предложения.
English is the most widely-spoken language these days
Most information in the world is in English
English is the language of great science and literature
But English remains the most widely-spoken language. Hundreds of millions of people are native speakers, hundreds of millions speak it as a second language, and countless numbers study it.
It is important to learn English because most information in the world is in English, especially on the Internet.
If you learn English, you learn about the culture of the English- speaking countries. This culture is very rich. Great writers and poets created their works in English.
Перечитаем, что получилось. 75 слов, опять много. Надо сократить за счет одного аргумента.
But English remains the most widely-spoken language. Hundreds of millions of people are native speakers, hundreds of millions speak it as a second language, and countless numbers study it. It is important to learn English because most information in the world is in English, especially on the Internet. If you learn English, you learn about the culture of the English-speaking countries. This culture is very rich. Great writers and poets created their works in English.
Удалим второй аргумент. Остается 56 слов, ровно столько, сколько использовано в третьем абзаце.
But English remains the most widely-spoken language. Hundreds of millions of people are native speakers, hundreds of millions speak it as a second language, and
• Умение 2 (skill 2)
Написание вступления
(Writing ап introduction)
Задание 2.1. Уровень различения / запоминания.
Прочитайте утверждение и три различных вступления к эссе на данную тему (А—С). Выберите вступление, которые вы считаете наиболее удачным. Себя можно проверить по ключу в конце книги.
Wiant 2.1.1
Comment on the following statement.
It’s beneficial to have elder brothers and sisters.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Family life can be fun, and it can be far from fun, of course. Parents and children do not understand each other sometimes. There may be many conflicts in families. Having brothers or sisters is a source of conflict, too. At the same time, elder brothers or sisters can protect you in many ways.

Modem families are different from families in the old days. Families in the past used to have many children. Every child had brothers and sisters. Families in the present tend to have fewer kids. Such is the demographical situation in our country. But it would be great for everyone to have elder brothers and sisters.

Children are bom into families. Family life plays a very important role in shaping a person’s character. Relationships between family members impact the personality of a child to a great extent. The more positive contacts a child experiences in the family, the better he or she can be prepared for life and its challenges.

Variant 2.1.2
Comment on the following statement.
Huge malls are more pleasant than small shops.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Shopping is a necessary occupation. Everyone needs to do shopping now and then. We shop for food and clothes, stationary and gifts for friends. There are lots of different stores in every town and city. The bigger the city is, the bigger the shops are. They can serve more customers and offer a bigger choice of goods.

Shopping is not my favorite occupation. But like most people, I can’t do without shopping. Whenever something is needed, I have to go and buy it. I prefer visiting huge shopping malls for a reason. These shopping kingdoms are eager to serve their customers, they usually have next to everything on sale, and the prices are reasonable.

Modem life is based on economics. Retail sales are an important part of economic life. People have to buy to support themselves. Stores and shops of all kinds serve this purpose. Every city of the world can boast of new shopping malls that appear everywhere. There is a lot of competition, and small shops usually lose it.

Miriant 2.1.3
Comment on the following statement.
There is no place for books in modem homes.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Life around us is changing rapidly. Our home environment is becoming more and more dependent on digital technologies. All the information we need is stored in data bases. People rely on paper-based material less and less. That includes traditional books, too. They haven’t disappeared yet, and they will probably stay for longer time, but not in our apartments.

Books are a source of knowledge. For centuries, people have treasured books as great friends and advisers. Great writers wrote novels and stories, in which they portrayed the society. Good books have always had a noble aim to educate people, to motivate them to develop the best qualities of their heart and mind. One can hardly imagine human life without books.

Reading books is a wonderful hobby. My family members are great readers. There is a large home library at our place. I can’t imagine our life without books. Books are wonderful teachers. If you feel lonely or sad, you can take a book from the shelf and start reading. It is great fun!

Muiant 2.1.4
Comment on the following statement.
Sport unites people like nothing else.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

Everybody loves sport. Millions of people do sports and play games. Millions more enjoy watching sports competitions. Thousands of fans arrive at stadiums to shout for their favorite athletes or teams. Athletes enjoy great popularity in the media. They give interviews, films are made and books are written about them.

There is no other activity that can unite people so as sport does. In ancient times wars stopped when the Olympic Games started. Today, the situation is very similar. Millions of people in all the countries of the world watch large-scale international sport events, such as the World Cup or the Olympics. Can we say that sport unites people? We definitely can.

skill 5
Writing paragraph 4
Задание 5.3. Уровень репродукции.
Прочитайте утверждение, третий и четвертый абзацы эссе на данную тему, в котором приводятся дополнительные аргументы. Заполните пропуски в четвертом абзаце подходящими по смыслу словами и/или словосочетаниями из таблиц. Вариант 5.3.0 является демонстрационным.
Variant 5.3.0
Comment on the following statement.
Computer games are a great educational tool today.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

However, teachers and parents are not happy about computer games. Problem is, many young people waste too much time playing. Contemporary games are so inviting that teens become addicted to them. In addition, there is the obvious health risk — young people stay indoors instead of playing active games.

, computer games are a reality, and

we can’t just ignore them. Teenagers can learn to control their time., gaming can even teach you to
be more responsible for your actions., the
health risks are still there, but we can learn to prevent them by joint effort, as a society.

Of course, ... (Разумеется, ...)

Besides, ... (Кроме того ...)

Anyway, ... (Как бы там ни было / во всяком случае)

However, teachers and parents are not happy about computer games. Problem is, many young people waste too much time playing. Contemporary games are so inviting that teens become addicted to them. In addition, there is the obvious health risk — young people stay indoors instead of playing active games.

Anyway, computer games are a reality, and we can’t just ignore them. Teenagers can learn to control their time. Besides, gaming can even teach you to be more responsible for your actions. Of course, the health risks are still there, but we can learn to prevent them by joint effort, as a society.

(53 words)
Wriant 5.3.1
Comment on the following statement.
Children of today are more socially adapted than their parents used to be.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

On the other hand, childhood lasts much longer these days. Learning social behavior takes time. As a result, children may stay infantile. Communication’s explosion produces the inability to process all this information. Shallow and casual communication is encouraged by gadgets, mobile phones in particular.

, the diversity of communications

can’t fail to produce a positive effect on child development. , modem children seem to be more knowledgeable. , they have access to
an incredible amount of information. All this makes them more adapted for social life.

In addition, ... (Вдобавок, ...)

In any case, ... (Как бы там ни было, ...)

No matter what, ... (Как бы там ни было ...)

Variant 5.3.2
Comment on the following statement.
Multi-storied apartment blocks are more convenient than cottages.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?

In contrast, it is pointed out that cottages are well- equipped, too. Lots of people would rather live near a forest, not a noisy street. Despite the popularity of huge shopping malls, shopping can be done anywhere — online, for instance. Speaking of expense, you may have to pay more but you will be your own boss.

, convenience is an important issue.

Young people would often prefer to live in multi-storied blocks because there are in the city. , older
people would choose such places because they have little time for yard work. , your rubbish is taken
away on a regular basis!

Similarly, ... (Так же / подобным образом ...)

Of course, ... (Разумеется,...)

At any rate, ... (Как бы там ни было ...)

Muiant 5.3.3
Comment on the following statement.
Tattoos are a silly fashion.
Do you agree with this statement? What is your opinion?
Skill 3. Writing Paragraph 2(Arguments for)6
Skill 4. Writing Paragraph 3(Arguments against)7
Skill 5. Writing Paragraph 4(Support arguments)8
Skill 6. Writing Paragraph 5(the Conclusion)10
Skill 7. Reviewing your essay 10
Skill 7+ (additional). Using transitional words13
Skill 1. Create a ‘skeleton’ of your essay.15
Skill 2. Writing Paragraph 1(the Introduction)16
Skill 3. Writing Paragraph 2(Arguments for)16
Skill 4. Writing Paragraph 4(Arguments against)17
Skill 5. Writing Paragraph 4(Support arguments)18
Skill 6. Writing Paragraph 5(the Conclusion)20
Skill 7. Reviewing your essay 20
Skill 7+ (additional). Using transitional words23
Skill 1. Create a ‘skeleton’ of your essay.25
Skill 2. Writing Paragraph 1(the Introduction)26
Skill 3. Writing Paragraph 2(Arguments for)26
Skill 4. Writing Paragraph 3(Arguments against)27
Skill 5. Writing Paragraph 4(Support aiguments)28
Skill 6. Writing Paragraph 5(the Conclusion)30
Skill 7. Reviewing your essay 30
Skill 7+ (additional). Using transitional words33
Умение 1 (Skill 1). Создание плана
(Creating a ‘skeleton’ of your essay)35
Skill 1.Creatinga ‘skeleton’of youressay42
Skill 1.Creatinga ‘skeleton’of youressay62
Skill 1.Creatinga ‘skeleton’of youressay68
Умение 2 (Skill 2). Написание вступления
Skill 2. Writing an introduction79
SkiU 2. Writing an introduction84
Skin 2. Writing an introduction88
SkUl 3. Writing paragraph 299
SkiU 3. Writing paragraph 2107
SkiU 3. Writing paragraph2114
SkiU 4. Writing paragraph3118
Skih 4. Writing paragraph3125
SkiU 4. Writing paragraph3132
Skih 4. Writing paragraph3137
SkiU 5. Writing paragraph4141
SkiU 5. Writing paragraph4147
SkiU 5. Writing paragraph4154
Skih 5. Writing paragraph 4159
SkiU 6. Writing the conclusion164
Skih 7. Reviewing the essay180
Учебное издание
МАСЛОВ Юрий Всеволодович, МАСЛОВА Марина Еновна
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